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Getting Here


Are you interested in giving financially to THMH?

THMH depends financially on the faithful donations of individuals who want to share in the costs of Christian education.  We're a 501(c)(3) organization.  All contributions are fully tax deductible. There are three ways you can give to THMH. 

Colourful Pile of Old Books

Student Scholarships

Scholarships help to reduce the cost of education and make Christian education a possibility for some that it wouldn't be otherwise.
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Grilled Chicken


If you would like to pay for BBQ Bash Meals of if you would like to make a donation to the Student Council, use the PayPal button below.  
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Hanging Lamps


THMH relies on the gifts of individuals and churches to help make Christian education affordable.  If you would like to make a donate to operations, do so here.
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